- CERN homepage
- How to get to CERN
- How to get around CERN (map)
- Visits and Expos at CERN (Microcosm and Globe: Free Access
- Taxi to Airport : Please contact Hotel Reception
- Luggage Storage: Please contact Hotel Reception
Agenda and Presentations : Link to CERN Indico
A limited number of rooms are pre-reserved at the Hotel on the CERN Site. Please complete and return the form your ILO has provided you with within the indicated deadline.
Access to CERN
Each company representative will receive a mail from the CERN access registration service requesting information relevant for their access to CERN. They will be provided with a personal code which will generate their access card on the day of their arrival.
Wifi at CERN
Please complete this form (https://landb.web.cern.ch/landb/selfregistration/visitor/index#/step1).
Requests requires manual approval - Please make sure that requests are made at least one week ahead of your event and at the very latest by the 5th September'22.
Hardware address: wifi (iphone). CERN contact person: Name: Morer-Olafsen, First Name: Merethe,
Department: IPT, Group: PI
Meeting Rooms
12.9'22 503/1-001 Council Chamber (see link to map below).
13.9'22 B2B Meetings: Locations refer to "tables". All rooms centralized in same area as Council Chamber.
Table 1: 61-1-017 Salle D
Table 2: 61-1-009 Salle C
Table 3: 61-1-007 Salle B
Table 4: 500/1-201 Mezzanine (Main Bld. 1st floor. Space to the right of the stairs)